
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Mixed Media Mini Album Complete!

Here are the last 2 of the 4 videos on my gardening themed mixed media mini album.

I wrote out the journaling before starting the album.  When I do that I usually have more journaling and in the case of these small pages, I have to figure out how to conceal some of it. This video shares 3 ways to hide journaling.  Also it covers the embellishments and the cover.

In the last video, I share the completed album and what technique was used on each page.  Did you notice that there is no designer paper in this album at all?  I'm not sure I've ever created a project that didn't have at least a little designer paper.  

Thanks for watching!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Mixed Media Mini Album - Organizing and Backgrounds


I seldom make mini albums.  Mostly I prefer to work with the 12x12 scrapbook format.  I have used them successfully to capture a particular event or a life history for someone else.  I've never made a mini for myself other than a small one just for motivational quotes.

I'm choosing a mini now to scrapbook my success last year in gardening around our home.  We have always had some flowers and plantings.  Some years I'm more industrious than others.  Most years though I lose interest in the heat of the summer and let the weeds take over.  I can't say that in 2022 I didn't have some weedy areas but overall it was much better and the areas I really focused on looked good well into fall. 

These photos also tell a little of my Mother's story in that many of the items I put in my garden came from her house.  I didn't have time to take many cuttings from her plants.  There was just too much to do getting the house ready to sell and keeping up the landscaping there.   I did save a lot of her garden ornaments and furniture for myself and I've used some of these items around my house.

My mother and my grandmother were talented gardeners.  My thumb isn't quite so green but I'm learning and enjoying the results.

A mini album can take a few days to a few weeks to complete along with other projects.  In this first video, I share how I organize an album and keep everything organized while the project is in process.  I plan to do a lot of mixed media techniques so I'm starting off all the pages with a gesso base.

In the next video I share some of the mixed media techniques, the embellishments and how I will incorporate the stories behind the photos.  I will not video every single page as that would get tedious for you and for me. 

More videos are coming in the next few days, stay tuned...

Hope you enjoy.  Thanks for all your likes and comments on my videos. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

First Layout of the Year

One of my objectives this year involves creating at least a certain number of scrapbook pages.  For this first layout of the year, I'm wrapping up 2022 and bringing in 2023 with a summary page.  Since I couldn't quite decide on photos and paper, I'm doing a 2 pager.  

I used pockets and lots of embellishments on this layout.  It has a little stitching, a little watercolor painting and a lot of fun.

Here is the process video for this page:

Thanks for watching!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

2023 Resolutions

New Year's resolutions can work.  They really can.

The keys to making a resolution work are:

  • Keep it simple
  • Make it positive
  • Be something you will do every day
And don't make it a goal but a step towards your goal.

I have goals to improve my watercolor technique and my free motion quilting quality in 2023.  Part of achieving those goals is a need to practice, practice, practice.

So my crafting resolution for 2023 is:

Practice watercolor and/or free motion quilting every day.

It's very simple.  
It is positive in that it is something I will do versus having a resolution NOT to do something.
It is something I can do every day.  Making it one or the other makes that easier.  Sometimes my watercolors supplies are not out or my long arm area is buried in fabric for another project.  At least one area though should be available and even a few minutes of daily practice will help.

Here's another example:

I also have long term health goals.  I joined a gym in the fall of 2021 and am exercising more.  I still think I need to add more exercise.  So my resolution is to:

Add 15 minutes more movement each day.

Movement in this case is exercise to include walking, weights, or even easy isometric exercises I've picked up in exercise class.  I might climb up and down the stairs and walk around the house a couple of times.  Anything that is consistent movement for 15 minutes that I wasn't going to do anyway. If I go to an exercise class, I want to go in 15 minutes early and use the elliptical or bicycle before class.  

So it is simple and not a burden to do.
Again, this is a positive action.
And I have to do it every day.

I had thought about making the resolution only for days that I don't go to the gym but I think it works best if it is for every day.

This is what works for me on resolutions.  I will admit that even with this formula I've had years where I didn't stick to my resolution every day but I've had many successful years also.  

Here's my video where I share this strategy and my plans for 2023.

Have you made resolutions?

Happy New YEAR!