
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A long July

I've been blogging since 2009 and I don't think I've missed a month having at least one entry.  Despite all that has been going on this month, I didn't want this to be the first. We've had some family illness challenges and those will likely continue for some time so I probably won't be doing any videos for awhile. 

I did however finish up a project recently that I wanted to share. Also we've had a bumper crop of gladiolus this summer. These are my favorite flower.  My husband started planting them for me over 15 years ago.  We lose some each year and buy some new ones.  Doing an arrangement for the 4th is a favorite of mine.  This year I had several red ones to make the largest arrangement yet to celebrate the holiday.

The quilt is one I started in 2017 when my dad was ill.  I needed something super easy that I could just pick up or drop depending on if I was called away from my craft room.  After he passed, it was too simple.  It didn't take my mind off things.  Finally I got the UFO out during the stay-at-home order and finished piecing the string blocks from my stash.  It got set aside again to make masks.  In mid-June, I wrapped up my mask making operation as they have become easy to find now.  So I machine quilted the project and now have it on my bed.

Here are a couple of the many flower arrangements I did.  Most of the glads bloomed over a 3 week period though some are still drifting in.  I made and gave away so many flower arrangements this year.  I was swimming in glads.

Finally I did do a little papercrafting. I got the idea for this card from debrenee13 on Instagram.

Thanks for continuing to visit with me.  I hope I can keep my virtual world going for years to come.