
Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Year of Cake

My husband suggested I bake my mother a different cake every month for a year.  She and I both thought that was a bit much but in January 2019, I found myself trying a new cheesecake recipe.  Then in February, I made a cake for Valentines and it went on from there.  I shared some cake with her, had some for ourselves and made a batch of cupcakes for a friend.  Some recipes were old favorites, others completely new to me. One flopped, literally the inside of the cake just flopped out onto the plate uncooked.  I made 11 cakes over last year which is a bit more baking than usual for me.

For the page, I marked ones we liked with hearts, or check marks or stars.  The page is a little crowded so the embellishment is minimal.

You could apply this idea to any hobby.  Most scrapbookers I know do other hobbies whether it is baking, crocheting, knitting, embroidery, painting, sewing.  Savor your little victories with photos to capture your work.  I mined my Instagram for most of these photos.

The process video is here:

Thanks for watching!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Art in Bloom

This two pager celebrates a day spent at the NC Museum of Art in Raleigh.  We visited the annual Art in Bloom for the first time in 2019.  It was close to my mother's birthday so it was her day. She loves flower gardening and does beautiful arrangements herself.  She thoroughly enjoyed the visit.

If you live near the Raleigh area, this is a wonderful event.  Here are the details for this year's Art in Bloom.

For the page, I took most of the photos and had them printed on 2 8x10 prints.  Several other photos are on 4x6's for a total of 18 photos on this two pager!  Watch the video to see where the other photos are hidden on the page.

Another lesson of this page is to use your supplies!  I discovered some Thickers that were so adherred to their backing sheet, I had to cut them out to use them.  Also some of my washi tape will no longer come off the roll.  I'd already had to throw out dried up paint.  Use them or lose them!

Here's the video for the layout:

Thanks for watching!