
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Not the usual way

My pages are almost always story driven.  I want papers and embellishments to support the story so I shop my stash after I've got the photos and know what the journaling will say.

This time, I knew I wanted to use Basic Grey's Saturday Mornings collection because I knew there were embellishments that fit a page about doing projects around the house while my husband was out of town.  So I admit that I 'posed' these photos of me in the blue shirt because that color went with the papers.  (I didn't admit that in the video!) I had already taken several photos of things I was doing through these two weeks.

The design starts by figuring out what embellishments I want to use and what to do with them.  There is a lot of stuff on this page, more than I usually have.  I like the page, but haven't quite moved to 'love it' yet.

Here's the process video:

Thanks for watching!


  1. I really love that page Lisa. The smaller pics are such a great balance for all the words on the right side of the page.
    I LOVE it!!!

  2. I liked this page too. Good way to use embellishments to tell a story.

  3. I liked this page too. Good way to use embellishments to tell a story.
