
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

In the news

My husband made the local paper a few months ago.  He refurbishes pinball machines and does repairs on machines.  A reporter called and wanted to interview him and came right on over and the wrote an entire page!

This isn't the first time he has made the paper.  The Charlotte Observer did a piece on him years ago.  I saved copies but I didn't scrapbook that one.  I wanted to be sure and get this one in for what better place to keep your memorabilia than in your scrapbook.

The video is longer than usual as it covers a lot.  There is a trick to make the titles easier to manage from the Silhouette, the memorabilia pocket and instructions on how to do two column, justified journaling in Word so you can make your journaling look like a newspaper.

I also made my own 'flippers' and pinball for the theme.

Process video:

And here is the sketch that goes with the page.

More sketches are in the last 3 years sketchbooks.  See the info here:

Thanks for watching!


  1. Super cute layout :) I'll have to remember that type of pocket for the memorabilia :)

  2. Great LO Lisa - and congrats to your husband!! I love the pinball flippers you made!
