
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Grateful for...

Fall color.  I took this photo late yesterday when we returned from our chilly walk.  The light was just perfect on some trees at the edge of the woods.  In our part of the state, the leaves are at their peak in early November.

Today, I'm grateful to have had an outing with my husband.  It was mostly shopping and lunch out.  We didn't do anything really special but it felt great to be out of the house for awhile enjoying such a beautiful day.  Plus, hubby suggested we go to Hobby Lobby!  I'm lucky that he likes going there and can browse as long as I do. First I had taken him to Academy Sports and Outdoors as I was look for and found a jacket. He had never been there and was impressed with their fishing gear selection.

So we are off for another walk.  Maybe I'll wear my new jacket. Oh, who am I kidding?  Of course I will. I'm definitely not someone to buy something and put it away for months.

Hope you have a great Saturday!  What are you grateful for today?


  1. Wow what an amazing photo! It's already Sunday here and I'm about to go to brunch with some work friends to farewell someone. I'm grateful for opportunities like this

  2. The trees look beautiful, Lisa. They make me so homesick. I'm grateful for wonderful memories of childhood, where I could look up and see "my" mountains. Can't wait to get home for the holidays. What a glorious time that will be!
