Reminder: TrueScrap 6 Individual classes discount price of $9.99 US per class ends tonight! Find out more here.
How was your Thanksgiving?
I had a really nice Thanksgiving week. Now for me that is quite remarkable because I admit I'm a Thanksgiving Scrooge.
Turkey is not my favorite and I just plain don't like stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, and pumpkin pie. You can imagine how I feel about cooking all that for only 3 other people. So this year I cooked ham, sweet potatoes (the one traditional item I do like) and pumpkin pie for my husband who loves it. I had plenty of chocolate ice cream in the freezer so I survived the holiday just find :-)
The other reason I'm a Scrooge at Thanksgiving is that something always goes wrong in November. And plenty did this year but the week of Thanksgiving ran smoothly and I enjoyed myself a lot.
My parents joined us for lunch and seemed to really like the meal. I got all my Christmas decorations up by Wednesday afternoon. I even vacuumed and put the boxes back upstairs! We helped my parents rake leaves getting that task completed before the holiday also. I had my first experience using a blower. If my aunt was watching us out her kitchen window, I'm sure she had a chuckle or two at my efforts although I did get the hang of it.
So I have several things to be grateful for this week including:
My mother starting me on decorating my garlands. It was her idea to put a garland up the stairway years ago and she bought a lot of my ornaments at after Christmas sales. She is not a shy shopper and has been known to climb up on displays to get the ornaments she wants. I've added to the collection and still love my garlands. I finally gave in and went to a small artificial tree rather than a large real one.
My family for being flexible in what they eat for Thanksgiving (since I'm the only one who cooks, they don't have a lot of choice but still...)
My first Etsy sale!

My husband who is the most easy going person in the world taking everything in stride.
With just a hectic month, I haven't always noted my gratitudes but I do find myself counting my blessings more even if I don't write them down. So for that I'm also grateful to November.
Reminder: TrueScrap 6 Individual classes discount price of $9.99 US per class ends tonight! Find out more here.