
Friday, October 31, 2014

Don't be scared, be thankful

I know it is the day of all things frightful but we don't really celebrate Halloween.  We used to go to parties and occasionally I got to dress up for work - depending on who I was working for.  We had one VP who decreed 'no costumes' by anyone in his departments.  Is there an equivalent of 'Scrooge' for Halloween?

Instead of All Hallow's Eve, I'm looking toward November with All Souls Day, Election Day, Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving.  Election Day will bring a blessed end to all the political ads.  Yeah!  In case you haven't heard, the senate race in NC is the most expensive Congressional race in history and has now topped the $100 million mark in spending.  Think of all the good that $100 million could have done.

Anyway, November is a time to be thankful so starting November 1, I'm committing to blogging about one thing every day that I am thankful for.  Thirty days, thirty blog entries.  Want to join me?

If you don't have a blog, keep a list, write them in your journal, Tweet, Facebook, post on Google+, wherever you like.  Just spend a minute or two each day on your blessings.

So I'll see you back here tomorrow for my first gratitude.  I'll also Tweet, Facebook and Google+. In the meantime, I wish you only treats and no tricks.


  1. The political mail and phone calls are driving me crazy too! I will be starting our annual November tradition tomorrow with the first visit from our Turkey on the Shelf. :)

  2. Every Wednesday morning about 25 women in NC go out for breakfast. Last Wednesday the conversation was exactly as your blog. What a waste of money. NC is 47th in the amount of money per student that they spend on Education. Imagine if 100 million dollars was added to the Educational pot.
