
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August Newsletter coming soon...

Can you believe it is almost time to send children and teachers back to school?  School starts here next week and although my husband and I no longer have his daughters to get back in school, this yearly milestone still affects us and brings up memories.  Also, fall is just around the corner.

So with those things in mind, I have some special ideas and a video for you in my free monthly newsletter for August.  I'll be sending it out on Wednesday or Thursday with one resend at the end of the month for new subscribers.

The newsletter also shares a sneak peek at my next class!

Be sure to sign up on the sidebar!


  1. We have are youngest leaving for college this weekend. Woohoo!

    Looking forward to the newsletter!

  2. Looking forward to the newsletter!

  3. I can't believe how fast summer flew by! Thankfully we still have just under two weeks before school starts.
