
Friday, July 18, 2014

What's new this fall?

CHA, Craft and Hobby Association, traditionally did both a summer and winter trade show.  It was at this show that all the new scrapbooking goodies were unveiled.  However, they have paired down to one show per year in January.

So how do we find out about the new stuff coming out for fall?

Here is what I'm doing. (ACOT) which sells scrapbooking supplies has a preorder option.  So you can see many of the new products coming up via their website.  I'm not personally interested in preordering but I can get a peek at what I'd like to have.  Their regular newsletter gives you an idea of when each of the companies' releases will be coming out.  This is not a complete list of everything coming but gives you some idea.

ACOT has also started doing some product videos.   They are very well done with lots of closeups.  I used to love the CHA ones from Two Peas and I'm glad someone is picking this up.

Here is a link to their YouTube channel.

I've had a busy week and haven't had a chance to look at all the new lines that are buzzing on message boards but I'm hoping to get to that this weekend.  The best part of shopping for me is browsing and planning what I might use for what.  Looking is free.

While I'm still working through my stash, I know I'll want a little influx of new items as we get closer to fall.

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