
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Scrapbook Page for My Travel Journal

Remember this travel journal from a few weeks ago?  I used it on my trip over the 4th of July so it has lots of notes from our activities.

I wanted to give it a home and what better one than my scrapbook.  So I did this page with a pocket from transparency film to hold the journal.

The photo of my friend Karen and me has many of our creations for the weekend in front of us.  Our clothing doesn't quite match the colors in the journal.  It is also a fairly busy photo along with the busy cover of the journal so I decided to give both their own space on the layout with different background papers.  The title and the mist help bring the two sides together.

Some of the embellishments are repeated also.  Several of the papers are October Afternoon's Travel Girl collection just as the travel journal.

I added a little extra space in the pocket to accommodate the bulk of the journal and its embellishments. All that is shown in the video below.

Watch at YouTube:

Here is the sketch:

Have you had your summer vacation?  We are thinking of one more trip together this year.  I'm learning to keep my plans open as issues seem to come up easier as we and my parents get a little older.  The last time I planned a flying vacation, I had to cancel at the last minute due to my own health so I think this fall's trip will be driving for sure.  Oh, and it will be a chance to make a whole new travel journal!

Thanks for stopping by today!

ETA:  One of my YouTube watchers just pointed out that I left out the 't' in Crafty!  Ooops!  Well, obviously I hadn't noticed so I'll have to figure out how to get that in my title after having glued down the letters.  Hmm.  That will be fun.  Anyway, I'm glad to know so I can get it fixed.


  1. What a clever idea! We are also taking several shorter trips, hoping to get to Gettysburg this fall.

  2. What at terrific page idea. When we travel we actually do an itinerary and I have always wondered how to scrap them.

  3. This is such a great idea!
    Didn't notice the spelling error....but then again I am far from good at spelling. And I seem to look at all the great embellishing and ideas. :)

  4. Love this idea Lisa! And I love that you made the pocket see thru. (And I didn't notice the misspelled word. Too busy checking out your awesome page/idea!)

  5. Great idea and lovely travel layout!

  6. Cool page. Love the color combo. I think I'd just write in the T rather than try to redo it.

  7. Awesome travel ideas, Thanks for sharing!

    Travel Advise
