
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Splattering and Streaking

Oh, I've been having such fun!  All of these cards use techniques from the "Pages to Cards and Back Again" class by Bobbi Lemanski and Kim Ziehr at Raisin Boat stamps.  This class is available as a replay from the past True Scrap event for $7 for a limited time.  (Price goes up in a few days).

Click here to view more details

The class covers several stamping techniques using a brayer, some splattering which I did for the flowers on this card and also streaking which I used on the card above.

"Streaking" is supposed to be done on glossy cardstock but I didn't have any.  I found their technique worked on vellum and was a great way to add some color to vellum.  Several of their projects, including streaking, made use of ink refills.  I love things that use my refills because I'll probably never run through a refill reinking a stamp pad. Plus ink refills are cheap and don't take up a lot of space so why not find out more than one way to use them?

I'd never heard of Raisin Boat stamps before.  They offer stamps for sale or for rent.  Renting stamps?  It's like Netflix.  You can sign up for a plan for a certain number of sets per month and then add them to your mailing list.  You get the stamp sets, use them as long as you like and return when finished.  I love this idea particularly for holiday sets.  When I was browsing their selection, I kept seeing sets I'd like to buy and that is an option too.  So I'm seriously considering the trial subscription at $5.99 per month for 2 sets a month to see how I like it.  Has anyone tried a stamp rental program before?

This class and all the True Stamp classes are available for $7 for a limited time (I think through the end of June) then the price goes to $12.95 each.

Click here to view more details

Thanks for stopping by!  This week I'll have the remaining layouts from the 6x6 webinar and 2 process videos.


  1. These are beautiful cards, Lisa. I'm glad you posted them and talked about the "Pages to Cards and Back Again" class. I have been thinking of taking it and now I definitely will. I'm intrigued. Thanks for the heads-up about stamp rentals, too. This is the first I've heard of it. I'll talk a look.
