
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Designer Paper Organization

Ooh, I love to get in an order of designer paper.

Over the last few years I've found myself less and less inclined to shop for clothes.  I want to find something that fits me and my wallet and get out of the store or off the website as quickly as possible.  However, I can spend HOURS on Two Peas browsing papers looking at the details, seeing both sides, adding items to my cart, finding different items, deleting choices and refining until I have just the scrapbooking goodness I want.

Saturday, I got in an order just like that.  I'd puttered on the Two Peas site off and on for three days finding just the right papers for pages I anticipate making this summer.  Our last couple of years albums revealed that I use mostly green, yellow and blue for our summer pages as a lot of the photos are outdoors and we wear a lot of green and blue.  So those are the colors in the collections I got along with just a touch of red and orange.

I videotaped my process my process for sorting the collections and storing them in 12x12 removable Sterilite drawers.  I have the 3 drawer stacks available from Walmart and Hobby Lobby at least, probably other stores, too.  I love these things!  If I had more closet space, I'd have more drawers but I don't so my first chore is always to empty a drawer or two.  I break up collections by color and a few pages go into a giveaway box.  Mostly though I really do use every scrap of paper.

This is why I love the drawers so much.  You can keep all the scraps in one place.

The video also shows a glimpse of some of the new spring collections from Pebbles, My Mind's Eye and Echo Park.  If you use blues and greens, they are worth checking out.

Watch at YouTube

This video is only my designer paper.  If you are interested in cardstock, this post shows my organization.  And the video uses my cardstock deck which is shown here.

Glitter Girl's weekly video over at Two Peas also shows sorting out an order.  She mixes papers and adds embellishments to create a kit from her order. It looks like a fun approach and another video to check out for new spring papers and paper sorting ideas.

Thanks for watching!


  1. I also use a clear plastic storage system for my collections and put embellishments with them for quick kits. Nice video!

  2. I really enjoyed watching your video! I'm getting a new crafting space with more storage options so it's nice to see how others store there supplies

  3. It's great to see how others store their supplies. I'm forever organizing and reorganizing. LOL!

  4. my goodness... i'm organizing this week as well!! must be spring!!!

  5. I really enjoyed the video on organizing, as I have not gotten quite that far...yet. I will though! Mostly, though, I love the idea behind your cardstock deck. What a great way to find the perfect papers for your photos - or cards! That's something I will definitely want to put together this year. I can see what a time-saver it is. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I really enjoyed the video on organizing, as I have not gotten quite that far...yet. I will though! Mostly, though, I love the idea behind your cardstock deck. What a great way to find the perfect papers for your photos - or cards! That's something I will definitely want to put together this year. I can see what a time-saver it is. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Great video. Always neat to see what other people do.
