
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Crime Stoppers

Every summer we get volunteer cantaloupes back from the first ones we ever planted.  They are delicious.  Last year, I had lost faith they were going to come up so I bought some plants and Lenny set them out. Well, of course, the volunteers returned and soon we were overrun with cantalopes.  The new ones were pretty but tasted awful so I was happy to have the old plants producing melons.

Apparently I wasn't the only one.  One particularly pretty melon had been growing and I was just waiting for it to get perfectly ripe checking it every day.  On the day I went to pick it, I discovered 'the evidence' in the photo. We had cantaloupe vandalism!

My husband thought it was rabbits but I hadn't seen a rabbit in our yard in ages.  (We have a cat.)  I suspected the crows and soon enough caught them in the act. So I constructed a scarecrow I named Sally.  I think I even posted her on my blog at the time.  However, Sally fell down on the job literally about a week into her duty after a nice rain.  The crows also didn't like the new variety.  They only ate the volunteer ones.

I never got anymore cantaloupe and even in winter we still have crows hanging around.  We are going to have to cover the melon patch next year, I guess.  Anyway, I had fun with the layout.

This is for Glitter Girl's challenge to use fabric.  My kind of challenge!  I have tons of discontinued fabric sample books.  I cut a few swatches and did the banner - my version of crime scene tape.

For the "Wanted" sign, I used Power Point and some of the built-in clip art.  The Thickers are Rockabye Mistables I painted green.

Thanks for stopping by.  If you know of a good way to discourage crows without firearms, let me know.  I'm anxious for tasty cantaloupes again.


  1. What a fun memory you have in these cantaloups... wish I knew a remedy for crows! Love this scrapbook layout ... you feel like you are part of the crime stoppers and ready for your cantaloup reward! lol Kathi

  2. As always, I love the humor you interject into your pages. The layout is really cool, too! I sure hope I have better luck with my figs this summer than you had with your cantaloupe. :-/ We'll see!

  3. Gorgeous layout, I especially love the bunting. Good luck with the cantaloupes next year!

  4. Crows are the peskiest things! We have a hawk or two in the area, so that helps some. Great layout, I noticed your fabric banners right away, they look super!

  5. Another great layout :)
    Crows are not my favourite bird.
    I know they are so smart, blah, blah, blah.............They stay here all year long as well, and make a ruckus and scare all the smaller birds out of the area.
    As for melons..yummy

  6. Great layout, love all of the different colors and layers!

  7. What a great story and I love how you captured it on your layout!! I love the tag you made for journaling!!! Too cute!
