
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Year in Review Page, Sketch and Video

Happy New Year!!!

I'm so excited to be starting 2013!  I've made a big decision in my life and am so happy and at peace with it.  I've decided to close my window treatment business.  It has been nearly 16 years.  Many of those years were part-time yet it was consistent and something that I really used to identify myself and other people identified with me.  There are many things I love about the work yet gradually I enjoyed the work less and less.  It is just time for a change.

Now what kind of change?  I'm not sure yet.  I'll be spending some time figuring that out which is both scary and incredibly exciting!

So for New Year's Resolutions and Goals, my big one is to figure out what kind of work I want to do next and make that happen.

My resolution is to do Project Life/365.  My way of doing this is to take a photo every day and scrapbook them in a traditional way.  I'd like to do more journaling with the the photos this time through.  Every photo doesn't need something lengthy just a bit more than I did in 2010 - the other time I did Project 365.  I decided to do this again because I haven't been taking as many day to day photos.

I plan to share the process here on the blog with layouts, sketches and videos which brings me to my commitment for the blog this year:  To create and post one sketch and accompanying video each week.  I'm thinking it will be about 75%/25% scrapbooking versus cardmaking videos.  My goal is to keep them at 10 minutes or less.   However... I've already blown that part of the plan with today's video at about 13 minutes.  This page has quite a bit going on.

The main focus are the pockets:

Each year I do a wrap up page to look at what I accomplished in the previous year and what I have planned for the new year.  This is a holdover from my corporate days where we had to write out objectives each quarter and then summarize our accomplishments.  I'm not that formal but I still do write out goals for the year and like to review the previous year to see how things have gone.

This info is personal so I don't want it to be seen if someone is flipping through my album.  This year I did sewn pockets to hold an extensive amount of journaling.

The page also has a reverse print title created using stickers and mist.

A few days ago I said I couldn't even put a butterfly on a page unless it meant something. Butterflies are a symbol of life and change so they have meaning here.  Plus they are pretty :-) and a very easy embellishment to create.

So here is the video you can watch at YouTube or click here.

This PDF file contains the sketch and some tips on creating pockets.

Thanks for starting off the New Year here on the blog.  Have you made resolutions?

Happy New Year!


  1. Looking forward to seeing how you do Project Life! And congrats on your decision about your window treatment business. I plan to retire from teaching piano this year, in June, after having my own studio for 24 years. I can totally understand being grateful for the opportunity, yet knowing the joy is gone and it's time to move on. And like you, I don't exactly know what I'm moving on to.... yet! Happy New Year!

  2. Lisa I LOVE this idea! You are very talented with your sewing machine and I love what you made ;) Thanks for the vid and thanks for sharing :) Kathi

  3. love this page! it's amazing! tfs!

  4. Love the pockets on this layout, happy 2013

  5. The pocket idea is awesome! Thanks for the inspiration! Happy New Year!

  6. This is such a great and fun idea to put these pockets on your page.
    You are so organized :)

  7. This is a great layout and I love those pictures. And the butterflies.
    You have inspired me with your project/life 365. Actually one of your posts a few weeks ago got me to thinking. I am going to go back to doing some scrapbooking, I haven't done a page in years. TFS
    Happy New Year Lisa

  8. wow some big changes are coming your way Lisa-glad you are at peace with your decision-I have been think about scrapbooking again-not that I ever did much of it but I started an album for my son 4 or 5 years ago and never finished it-you are an inspiration so I will be checking out your scrapbooking posts for ideas
