
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy? Baby

Were you a good baby?  Did you cry a lot?  Or do you know?

I was not a good baby.  Apparently I cried most nights keeping my poor mother up rocking me.  My father, wanting to escape the crying infant who had overtaken his peaceful home, went out in the dead of winter and constructed a split rail fence.  I am not kidding. He really did build the fence and I was told all my growing up it was to escape my crying!  The jokes on him though, that fence still needs regular maintenance.

So I was surprised to come across this photo of me looking so happy in my crib.  Maybe it is because it is daytime.  Apparently I wasn't so difficult during the day.  Mother said I outgrew the crying about the time I started walking.  Perhaps I wore myself out during the day and finally slept at night.

For the layout, I wanted to emulate the look of a mobile with the MME doily stickers.  Most of these products including the cute clothespins are from previous month's ArtfulDelight kits.  I've been  mixing kits and now I don't know what came from where.  They are coordinating nicely.

I did photo corners for the photo so the original could be removed.  My mother's handwriting is on the back.

This was the first page on my shelf I shared yesterday.  All the other layouts there have been blogged about before.  I'd forgotten I hadn't posted this one yet.

So I was a difficult baby but I think I was a fairly easy teenager so I guess everything evens out.

Thanks for visiting today!


  1. I really like those hanging doilies - just gorgeous!

  2. What a sweet and fun page, Lisa.

    Having raised 4 boys, there was only 1 who was colicy, and he was such a fun teenager. My best baby was my most difficult teenager.. Hmmm.. you might be on to something there!

  3. Oh Lisa, I love this page. It is so special. Great idea to make the doilies into a mobile.
    I think I was told I was a quiet baby.
    I love that you have all these photos of you as such a young age. My parents never took any of me. I used to think they had just nabbed me off the street, but I look to much like them, lol.
