
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


November.  I don't know about you but I'm thankful to have Halloween behind us.  I love all these scrapbooking product and technique videos, but I'm really sick of little monster papers and Halloween color schemes.  I'm ready for some holly, jolly Christmas!

Another thing I think we all want behind is is the mid-term election. Haven't we had our fill of TV ads (many of which don't even say what party the candidate is in - apparently no one wants to be affiliated with anyone this year.)  And my mailbox and trash can are filled to the brim with political ads, too. 

Despite the over exposure of many candidates, they do remind us of our opportunity to vote.  I'm a huge voting advocate.  If you are eligible, vote!   Remember, that there are people all over the world fighting and dying for the opportunity of walking into a voting booth without hassle and casting their ballot.

It is a privilege.  Honor those who gave you that opportunity.  Vote.

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