
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TIPsy Tuesday - Camera ready

While you are buying groceries and getting out all the dishes, don't forget to get another important ingredient ready - your camera.  It's easy to get caught up in all the food and other traditions and forget to take those precious photos.  Sometimes we see people at the holidays that we don't see any other time of year.  For my family, that isn't typically the case as Thanksgiving and Christmas are just immediate family.  We typically have other family gatherings in the summer.  However, I do usually have a holiday party of some sort.  And I'm bad to forget to take photos!  It's true.  I love to scrapbook but remember the camera after the guests have left.  One recent year, the camera was sitting on the mantle the whole evening not capturing everyone's  good times. 

I find I remember things better if I make preparations.  Here are a few camera ready things to do ahead:
  • Change or charge the batteries. 
  • Clean the lens
  • Check the settings - Oh, how I get aggravated when I've taken a bunch of people shots only to realize I still had the thing set on 'landscape.'
  • Think about what photos you want to capture and start early.
  • Ask someone to take some pictures for you so YOU will also be in the pictures.  Besides two heads remembering to use the camera are better than one.
Get photos of your preparations - shopping, cleaning, setting up, cooking, baking and all your helpers (hopefully you have some.)  The photo below is a Project 365 shot of an old recipe I remembered that would give us a 'non-traditonal' pumpkin dish to please both me and my husband. 
Capture the rituals as well as the posed shots. 
What is it that makes the holiday memorable for you? 

In doing Project 365 this year, I've really noticed how these little everyday things I've captured bring back memories when I look at the photo months later.

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving for those in the US!  Happy on-line shopping to all!

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