
Monday, March 8, 2010

Hooked on Fishing

Dillon is the one hooked on fishing.  He had been fishing before but the day these photos were taken was when he caught his first fish and the fishing bug really caught him, too.  Unfortunately, the fish were a bit small to cook - or no one wanted to clean them.  Anyway he had lots of fun and I did too in creating this layout.

Grampa Fincher promised Dillon a fishing trip if he got straight A’s in school. Dillon held up his end of the bargain, so they headed off to the pond at Riverbend Park on Sunday morning. After a few tries, they found the right fishing spot and… Dillon. Began. To. Catch. Fish! He got really excited on the first ones. After awhile he got so confident he rejected Grampa Fincher’s advice on where and how to fish. A small turtle found the fish and began to help itself. Eventually they headed back in true Fincher tradition hiking up a steep hill all the way. Still Dillon is…

Project Notes:
  • Lenny helped me with this layout by dictating the journaling to me.  He also created the fish hook from a piece of silver wire and even tied my knot.  (He frowned heavily at the knot I tied and redid it in an official fishing knot. Maybe I should get him to start tieing the bow knots on my cards :-)
  • The letters for "on" are really a "b" and an upside down "u."  A pair of scissors works wonders to turn letter stickers into what you really need them to be.
  • One of those cute little fish brads from Fancy Pants holds the line in place.  The hemp twine runs between the teeth of the brad before it goes through the back of the paper.
  • I kept rotating the striped paper border strips to get the mitered corners to match up.  I had to fudge a little as the paper wasn't just perfect.  Just depends on the paper as to whether this will work out.  You don't need to miter every piece - just one piece per corner.
Thanks for your visit.  Be sure to stop by tomorrow for TIPsy Tuesday on Mitering Corners. 

Ingredients:  Designer Paper:  Jersey Shore by SU!; Paper Studio for journaling block
Brads and journaling tag: Daily Grind by Fancy Pants
Chipboard letters:  Basic Grey
Ink:  Brilliant Blue, Only Orange by SU!
Stickers:  American Crafts and Doodlebug
Font:  Problem Secretary Normal from

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