
Friday, January 15, 2010

Date Day

Oh what a lovely day we had! We had our first “date” day in quite awhile starting with a small shopping excursion at a Stamper's Alley in Mooresville, then marvelous lunch at a hard to find café (to Lenny’s credit he dared not mention that a GPS would have been helpful – I hate his chattery GPS system), then the main event – hiking in a wildlife area near Charlotte, finally stopping for one of the finishing touches to our recently redecorated Master bath. I actually got to buy something at Anthropologie where I love to browse!

We took full advantage of the cloudless near 60 degree day. After a couple of weeks where it seldom got above freezing and we still have snow on the ground from before Christmas, we were delighted to get out. I am so whiny about the weather here if it gets too cold, too dry, too hot – probably why my ancestors never ventured west.

Photo:  Lenny on the trail by Lake Norman at Latta Plantation.

I look forward to using the new stamps and ribbons I bought today.  Stamper's Alley offers 15% off on non-sale merchandise on the 15th of each month.  If you are in NC Piedmont, they are a nice store to check out at

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