
Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Gadgets

There are three new gadgets on my blog. On the right side of the screen you will find new lists called: Places to Learn, Places to Shop and Blogs I read. I've kept the lists discerning for now. There are more of these I visit and I'll probably add to the lists over time.

Places to Shop is pretty self-explanatory. While I often learn from bloggers, Places to Learn is mostly sites who have on-line training as a big part of what they offer.

Blogs I read is just some of the places I go regularly. Some of the best stuff can be found by going to your favorite blogs and seeing what each blogger likes. I always mean to do more of it myself.

This weekend I'm going to pick one blog I like, follow a link from it to another, from that to another and so on for about 20 links and see where I end up. Give it a try and see where in the world (literally) that you land.

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