
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Me

Yesterday marked 12 years in the window treatment business! Wow! Even in this recession, I am so fortunate. I have great clients who I've come to know as friends. The projects keep coming always with new challenges. No two jobs are never alike - different kinds of windows, different fabrics, different treatment styles all add up to a new project each time. So the job never gets boring.

I'm very fortunate that I can work out of my home. This morning I cut fabric and pressed in hems, now I'm updating the blog, and in a few minutes I'll be fixing lunch for my husband and myself. It is a great luxury to have a meal together each day before we return to our tasks. I have a lot of flexibility in my hours yet I really try to meet my clients needs. I remember what it was like to work set hours and only have nights and weekends to get anything done. It is very frustrating to need something only to find the store closes at 5 or 6. I've always taken appointments in the evenings and weekends.

Also, I've been able to expand when I wanted or needed to and to pull back and do other types of work as they came along. When I started 12 years ago, I was a full-time corporate employee, then a contract trainer. I also worked for Pro-Tint as a sales rep. Then I went to design school. The constant has been this business.

One of the best things is being creative every day. I love to create beautiful things. While I might get frustrated sometimes trying to figure something out, I do like to solve problems. It is so gratifying knowing that there is a way to make whatever we need to do work.

And of course I could not do this business without my husband, Lenny. He staples, he helps install on the big jobs, he lugs bolts of fabric to the basement. He helps me figure out some of those seemingly impossible situations. He is great!

It feels good to count my blessings. I really have a great job! There are trade-offs of course. There is more lucrative work out there, but I love doing what I do. Thank you all for helping the business grow over the last 12 years. I look forward to continuing all my creative projects with you.

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